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Chocolate Testers

5 Things All Good Chocolate Testers Do

1. Be Mindful of the Temperature

Be very mindful of the temperature of the chocolate. If the chocolate is too cold, it will alter the taste. Especially if the chocolate has a filling inside. The best temperature to test chocolate is room temperature. Just leave the chocolate on the counter for a few hours before tasting.

2. Smell the Chocolate

The goal here is to give feedback on the aroma. Is it inviting or does it turn you off? Some chocolate taste great but don't smell the best.

3. Observe the Color and Texture

Many chocolates have different textures and look. Sometimes this is by design, other times it was not the intention of the provider. Remember, chocolate is shipped to its destination. Anything could have happened during transport. Perhaps the chocolate was set in a warm or cold environment. Maybe the box got tossed around during transit. Give feedback on what you see even if you think it that is the design.

4. Enjoy the Chocolate

Enjoy the chocolate! If the chocolate is really good, by all means, finish it all. If the chocolate does not suit your taste, that's ok also.

5. Cleanse your Palate

Just like wine tasters, when you are done with one type of chocolate, cleanse your palate. When wine tasters taste the next wine, they wash out their mouths. They do this by taking sparkling water and 'swigging' it in their mouth. They spit out the water and go to the next wine. Tasting chocolate is not as complicated as wine testing. However, removing the taste of the previous chocolate is important. Just use a little water and 'swig' away. Make sure there are no remnants of the previous chocolate before you go to the next chocolate.

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